== A Bullshit Work Blog ==


According to the late anthropologist David Graeber, bullshit jobs can be categorized as:

  1. Flunkies, who serve to make their superiors feel important, e.g. receptionists, administrative assistants
  2. Goons, who act to harm or deceive others on behalf of their employer, or to prevent other goons from doing so, e.g. corporate lawyers, PR specialists
  3. Duct tapers, who temporarily fix problems that could be fixed permanently, e.g. programmers repairing shoddy code, people whose job is to apologize to customers
  4. Box tickers, who create the appearance that something useful is being done when it is not, e.g. administrators, in-house magazine journalists, compliance officers
  5. Taskmasters, who create extra work for those who do not need it, e.g. middle managers

These are their stories.